Published on 27/01/2022
INCISIVE’s project coordinator, Gianna Tsakou, was invited as a speaker to the webinar ‘Cancer imaging infrastructure – opportunities and challenges of a common approach’, organized by the European Commission for the eHealth Stakeholder Group on the 12th of January.
During the webinar, all the coordinators of projects on Artificial Intelligence for Health Imaging (AI4HI project cluster) commonly organized a discussion on the challenges and a possible common approach towards an EU-wide cancer imaging data infrastructure. On behalf of INCISIVE, Tsakou presented the common challenges that this massive infrastructure brings, focusing on relevant topics that are being addressed within the project: legal and ethical issues, data interoperability, image heterogeneity and annotation, data storage and sustainability.
The AI4HI consists of five collaborative projects funded under the AI for Health Imaging action of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme: INCISIVE, EuCanImage, ProCAncer-I, CHAIMELEON, and PRIMAGE. The cluster gathers over 100 institutions, from universities to companies, from all European regions and several non-EU partners. The coordinators of these projects also presented at the webinar some of their most relevant issues and the FUTURE-AI initiative to facilitate the design, development, validation and deployment of trustworthy AI solutions in medical imaging based on six guiding principles: Fairness, Universality, Traceability, Usability, Robustness and Explainability.
About the eHealth Stakeholder Group
The eHealth Stakeholder Group comprises representatives from the health tech industry, patients, healthcare professionals and the research community. It aims to provide advice and expertise to the European Commission on issues related to the digital transformation of health and care.
Check out the webinar’s PDF presentation of the AI4HI cluster in the resources section of our website.