Share health data with the research community!

Published on 01/12/2023


If you represent an organization or are a researcher who can legally share anonymized cancer image data, we encourage you to check the INCISIVE Data Sharing Portal and share health data with the research community. The consortium has made this portal available, including practical information for potential data providers and users who understand or are interested to know more about the benefits of health data sharing and aim to contribute to enrichment of INCISIVE’s interoperable pan-European federated repository of breast, lung, prostate, and colorectal cancer images.

The INCISIVE data sharing portal is the first step to gain access to the INCISIVE platform. This platform allows organisations and researchers to share cancer image and accompanying clinical data in compliance with legal, ethical, privacy and security requirements with the broader research community for artificial intelligence (AI) related training and experimentation and other medical research purposes. It also gives them the option of sharing data in a federated and/or centralized manner, depending on their preference, whilst providing facilitates for tracking data usage.

For more information, visit the Q&A section of the Data Sharing Portal and watch the following video where Hara Stefanou, INCISIVE partner from AdaptIt, describes the accepted data types and the potential data users of the platform. She also shortly presents the registration and data sharing process, points to more information about the local federated data node setup, the data preparation process, and the final data integration.

Sharing cancer image data through the INCISIVE platform aims to address the challenge of health data availability, including cancer image data needed to drive the development of trustworthy AI tools that support accuracy and timely diagnosis, as well as prediction and follow-up of cancer.

Interested in using the INCISIVE AI services?

Read this article if you are a healthcare professional interested in finding out more about the AI services offered by the INCISIVE platform.

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