Published on 23/03/2023
The past and the history of Healthcare and Medicine connected with the present and future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare at the 4th INCISIVE Plenary Meeting, celebrated on the 15th and 16th of March 2023 in Barcelona. The meeting took place at the Sant Pau Modernista Precinct, which was the home of a Catalan hospital for more than a century and is a jewel of art-nouveau declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1997. The meeting gathered 45 professionals in person and more than 30 online who are actively bringing their expertise to the project.
The project’s coordinator, Gianna Tsakou, commented on the excellent result of the meeting since “it facilitated the intensive work on integration” that the consortium is doing towards completing its next major milestone: the INCISIVE second integrated prototype of the AI toolkit and Interoperable Cancer Imaging Data Repository (also incl. relevant health data) for four types of cancer (breast, lung, colorectal and prostate).
The agenda of the meeting was structured in interactive workshops focused on aspects such as the federated data search, the generation of pipelines, the data sharing legal framework, the visualization of inference results and XAI services for their explanation, and the status of data collection and pilot studies. Partners also discussed other topics as the exploitation and dissemination of results.
If you want to see the venue and some of the images of the meeting, do not miss this video:
After finishing the Plenary Meeting, all partners stayed for the meeting with INCISIVE’s Advisory Board, which is composed of six external independent experts: Paula Poikonen-Saksela, Christina Orphanidou, Josep Vilalta, Alex Lopez, Thanos Kosmidis and Bruce Burnett. Their mission as advisors is to participate in specific project meetings and workshops and provide advice about significant issues and decisions.
A few days before the meeting, they had sent to all INCISIVE partners feedback about some critical project deliverables. “We received very useful comments in advance, so we were able to process them and think about what we should explain better in our deliverables or designs. Thus, we want to thank them for their valuable comments before and during the meeting and for all their interest and contribution to the INCISIVE project! It has been really helpful for us, and we feel that it is pushing the project work several steps forward”, said Gianna Tsakou after the meeting.