Published on 25/10/2022
After two years of working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 50 members of the INCISIVE consortium finally met each other in person at the 3rd Plenary Meeting, celebrated in Athens -both face-to-face and online- on the 18th and 19th of October 2022. The meeting gathered a total of 90 professionals involved in the different work packages of the consortium.
The agenda of the meeting was structured in interactive workshops focused on the project’s major aspects. First, partners started examining the design of the INCISIVE platform’s user interface and how this could be extended and improved to become more user-friendly and support all new functionalities that will soon be integrated into the platform. Then, they discussed the status of development and ways forward for the various platform functionalities, with a particular focus on tasks that are inter-dependent and need the contribution of multiple partners, such as the integration of data nodes with the central infrastructure, the federated learning infrastructure, and the security and data privacy aspects of the platform, among others.
Other major project topics that were covered in productive workshops included the development of the AI services for the four types of cancer addressed by the project, the federated data repository and how to reinforce data interoperability and harmonisation, as well as the data sharing framework with all related legal, ethical, technical and procedural aspects.
INCISIVE’s coordinator, Gianna Tsakou, highlighted the active participation of partners in the workshops at the plenary meeting, as well as their continuous commitment and high performance completing the tasks and goals of the project. She also remarked the pleasant experience of meeting each other face-to-face for the first time: “the remote collaboration has always been very smooth and efficient so far, but the experience of finally meeting in person, socialising and getting to know each other was truly amazing!”. Many participants agreed with this point and shared their experiences and motivations internally about the project at the end of the Plenary Meeting:
“I like the interdisciplinarity that the project brings. It tackles a very hot research topic that can have a direct impact on people’s lives in the future.”
“What I like most is the active collaboration with the partners and the number of things that we learn.”
“I like the co-creation spirit of the project, the fact that we are in a safe environment where we can all exchange opinions, and this is what all European projects should be.”
“We are working on something that will help people, medical personnel, and even researchers.”
“It’s interesting to hear the perspectives of the data providers, on the one side, and the developers, on the other, and to be able to discuss how the needs of these two groups can be reconciled.”
Partners are now focused on completing the development of all technical components of the platform in order to start their integration into the fully functional second prototype early in 2023. Another important goal until the end of the year is the delivery of the federated data repository, including all retrospective and prospective data that have been rendered interoperable thanks to INCISIVE’s common data model.
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