Objective 4.1
To perform pre-pilot and small-scale validation activities: for technological verification and testing of the INCISIVE system.
Objective 4.2
To organize and perform three 1.5-years pilot studies validating the entire INCISIVE solution: One validation study per case (breast, colorectal and lung cancer) will take place including both an observational and an interventional phase with the participation of 2500 patients from five countries (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Serbia and Spain) demonstrating a clear proof-of-concept of INCISIVE’s offerings in terms of effectiveness (improved prediction, diagnosis and follow-up), efficiency (less time to diagnosis), and user satisfaction (acceptable and highly usable solution).
Objective 4.3
To systematically assess the impact of INCISIVE technology offerings: evaluating in terms of costs (savings) and benefits the value of the suggested innovations compared to the currently established practices in cancer diagnosis, prediction and follow up.
Objective 4.4
To perform all the necessary and preparatory activities for acquiring ethical approvals: enabling the timely beginning of the INCISIVE validation studies.
Objective 4.5
To setup a systematic support provision process: enabling the smooth study execution and the quick resolution of any identified technical issues.