Date 12/04/2021 - 16/04/2021

Location Remote

Organization NVIDIA

NVIDIA GTC will begin April 12th with a special focus this year on Healthcare and Medical Imaging.  GTC is virtual and FREE to attend.  You can Register Here for access to over 1,200+ sessions.

There will be over 130 healthcare sessions ranging from very technical developer and researcher-focused talks to business and implementation focused talks from C-level leaders at leading companies. We expect more than 100,000 attendees, and I hope you can join us.

To kick-off GTC on Monday, 4/12 at 8:30am PT, NVIDIA Jensen Huang Founder, President, and CEO will deliver the GTC Keynote.  Jensen will share the company’s vision for computing that scales from the edge and it’s sure to be full of exciting announcements—and some surprises.  On Tuesday, 4/13 at 8am PT, NVIDIA VP of Healthcare, Kimberly Powell, will deliver a special address on the latest advances in AI and how they are being applied across drug discovery, genomics, medical imaging, and in building software-defined instruments.

Here are examples of what you can expect:

  • Changing Healthcare Practice, 1 Million Slides at a Time | Razik Yousfi, VP of Engineering, Paige.ai
  • Whole-Slide Imaging and Analysis Platform for Digital Pathology | Matti Pellikka, Algorithm Engineer, Grundium
  • Predicting Recurrence and Death from Cancer Using Deep Learning and Histopathology Images | Sepp De Raedt, Senior Developer, Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics – Oslo University Hospital
  • Ensemble Learning Models Provide Expert-Level Prenatal Detection of Complex Heart Birth Defects | Rima Arnaout, Assistant Professor University of California, San Francisco

You can see more of our top healthcare sessions and featured speakers HERE.  

In addition to the sessions, you can join a other events like Medical Imaging focused Dinner with Strangers, a MONAI bootcamp, a Clara Train 4.0 workshop, and other special events.


Want to know more about the project? Keep following INCISIVE on Linkedin and Twitter to keep updated with its next developments.