INCISIVE is consulting with its future users and beneficiaries

Published on 03/02/2021


INCISIVE is conducting surveys to find out about what our various users need from the AI tools that we will develop. This work includes several different activities.

  1. Interviews with oncology specialised healthcare professionals to identify/describe and map cancer care pathway for each of the different tumour types. Data collection has started since the beginning of December 2020 and is almost complete.
  2. Interviews with cancer survivors to explore their perceptions and experiences about the pathway and the care received. Data collection has just started in the beginning of February 2021 and anticipated completion time is mid-March.
  3. Mixed methods study involving interviews and a survey with healthcare professionals involved in the care pathway: to explore their experiences, perceptions and opinions about the current diagnostic/monitoring services and how technology can be used to optimise this. Data collection will start around mid-February and anticipated completion time is mid-March.

If you are a cancer survivor or a healthcare professional involved in the care pathways of breast, prostate, lung or colorectal cancer and would like to have a saying in our consultation activities, we welcome your views. Please contact us to state your interest at or send us an email at and we will get right back to you.


Want to know more about the project? Keep following INCISIVE on Linkedin and Twitter to keep updated with its next developments.


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